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Our Articles - Page 4 of 11 - Ensemble contre la peine de mort | ECPM - Ensemble Contre la Peine de Mort Our Articles - Page 4 of 11 - Ensemble contre la peine de mort

28 May 2019The film of the 7th World Congress Against the Death Penalty is online!

More diversified, more participatory and more formative than ever, dive into the heart of the 7th edition of the world's largest abolitionist event, held in Brussels from February 26 to March 1st 2019. Politicians, activists, lawyers, researchers, citizens: more than 1500 abolitionist fighters from all over the world seized the opportunity to gather their forces and ideas during four days of debates, training, workshops and cultural events in the heart of the European capital.  This film...

28 May 2019Press release: French nationals sentenced to death in Iraq

28 May 2019 - ECPM deplores the death sentence imposed on six French nationals in Iraq within three days, and calls on the French authorities to do everything in their power to ensure that the death penalty is not carried out.   The French Kévin Gonot, Léonard Lopez and Salim Machou were sentenced to death on 26 May 2019, followed by Mustapha Merzoughi on 27 May 2019, then Brahim Nejara and Karam El Harchaoui on 28 May, by the Baghdad Court for belonging to the Islamic State (EI). They...

24 May 201917 May: Homosexuality is punishable by the death penalty in 12 countries around the world

After a month of international pressure and boycotts, the Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah was speaking for the first time since the entry into force of the new legislation introducing the death penalty by stoning for homosexuality and adultery. "My country has gone decades without applying the death penalty and will maintain its moratorium on executions," he said on Sunday, calling even for not to worry. Since then, major media and LGBT associations have been claiming a "backward...

24 May 2019PRESS RELEASE – The French citizen Félix Dorfin sentenced to death in Indonesia

May 20, 2019 ECPM deplores the death sentence imposed on the French citizen Félix Dorfin by an Indonesian court, whereas the initial sentence required by the Prosecutor's Office was 20 years' imprisonment and a fine of €620,000. The 35-year-old Frenchman Félix Dorfin, from Béthune (Pas-de-Calais), was sentenced to death for drug trafficking in Indonesia on 20 May 2019 by Judge Isnurul Syamsul Arif at the Mataram court on the island of Lombok. ECPM deplores this conviction of the judge,...

24 May 2019EDITO – Disagreements on the international scene

By Raphaël Chenuil-Hazan, Executive Director of ECPM Back on the Clash Clooney vs Brunei Most recently, on May 17, the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia was celebrated. As a kind of provocation, the Sultan of Brunei made headlines at the same time by officially making male homosexuality punishable by death. An arm wrestling match then broke out between Georges Clooney and many international personalities on the one hand and the Sultan of Brunei on the other, and...

13 May 2019Discover the first images of the film of the 7th World Congress Against the Death Penalty

Many of you (more than 1500!), politicians, activists, lawyers, researchers and citizens, gathered for the 7th edition of the world's most important abolitionist event, held in Brussels from 26 February to 1 March 2019. During these 4 days, we experienced strong moments of exchanges, reflection, activism and meetings, which could not have taken place elsewhere than during this Congress, in the heart of the European capital. Visit www.ecpm.org and our Facebook page on May 27, three months...

30 April 2019Executions in Saudi Arabia: shame and cynicism!

By Raphael Chenuil-Hazan, Executive Director of ECPM This article was published in the digital version of the newspaper Le Monde on May 2, 2019.   After the Jamal Khashoggi case, the Saudi kingdom found itself at a loss. To be banished from the nations, to no longer look to the future and to see only ungodly, enemies, opponents, dissidents, terrorists to be killed or eliminated, whatever the cost. Another possibility would have been the choice of a certain openness (perhaps progressive...

26 April 2019Annual report on the death penalty in Iran: key issues and figures

The 11th Annual Report on the Death Penalty in Iran, prepared by Iran Human Rights (IHR) with the support of ECPM, provides an assessment and analysis of trends in the death penalty in 2018 in the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has the highest number of executions per year after China. Its publication coincides with the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, but also with the year of Iran's 3rd Universal Periodic Review (UPR), which will take place next November. This is a...

25 April 2019Joint oral intervention at the 64th session of the ACHPR in Egypt

On April 25, ECPM is participating in the 64th session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR), held in Egypt from April 24 to May 14, 2019. An unmissable opportunity to address the issue of the death penalty in a country recently criticized for its human rights violations.   Today, ECPM participated for the second time in the ordinary session of the ACHPR after obtaining observer status in 2017, allowing it to better understand the functioning of this...

24 April 2019ECPM is in Morocco for a Parliamentary Regional Round Table

On 24 April 2019, the Network of Parliamentarians against the Death Penalty in Morocco is organizing, with the support of the Moroccan Organisation for Human Rights and ECPM, a Regional Parliamentary Round Table in Rabat. The purpose of this meeting is to highlight the key role of parliamentarians in moving towards the abolition of the death penalty or in promoting progress in the field of human rights. It is involved in the joint project: "Accompanying civil society and political actors...

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