World Congress : prepare your trip and find us on Facebook

5 avril 2013

With two months to go to the World Congress, now is the time to finish preparations for your trip to Madrid – visa? Check. Ticket? Check. Hotel? Check. To get the latest on the event’s programme or to invite your friends, don’t forget the Facebook page.

The 5th World Congress against the death penalty will take place between June 12-15, 2013 at the Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid (Avenida Capital de España Madrid 7, Campo de las naciones, Madrid). The programme of the main international abolitionist event will unfold as follows:

• Wednesday 12 June, opening ceremony;
• Thursday 13 and Friday 14 June, plenary sessions, round tables and workshops;
• Saturday 15 June, closing ceremony, final march and happening.

Travelling tips

Spain is part of the Schengen area. If you are a national of the European Union or of a visa-exempt country, you will be allowed into the country freely. In all other cases, you must apply for a Schengen visa from the Spanish consulate or the Schengen office in your country, which can take several weeks.

Click here to check the list of countries whose nationals must apply for a visa (A) or are exempt (B).

Once your papers are in order, you may have more questions: how to fly to Madrid? How to plug my electrical appliances in Spain? Don’t be caught off guard, check the Congress website!

And don’t forget to register now to ensure free access to the event.

Share the World Congress on Facebook

You are one click away from an easy way to monitor preparations for the World Congress: just like the event’s Facebook page. ECPM’s team also post daily updates on death penalty issues to be debated in Madrid.

While you’re on Facebook, tell you friends you’re going to the World Congress event and share it with them so that no abolitionist can miss the Madrid call.