What is the vote on the resolution for a universal moratorium on application of the death penalty?
26 October 2016
A resolution in favour of a universal moratorium on application of the death penalty has been put to the vote at the UN General Assembly (UNGA) every two years since 2007. In this text, which has been adopted by a large majority of States on every occasion, the UN reaffirms that application of the death penalty undermines human dignity “and calls upon all the States that still maintain it to establish a moratorium on executions.”
Until now, five resolutions have called for a universal moratorium on executions and each time they have been supported by a growing number of countries. Between 2012 and 2014, 4 countries left the moratorium opponent side: Suriname, Eritrea, Fiji, Equatorial Guinea and Niger. Expectations are high for the next vote, planned for December 2016 in New York. The international community expects all countries to vote in line with their own national situations.
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Click here to read the 2016 resolution which will be voted on mid-december by the General Assembly.