Since 2000, we have been fighting against capital punishment around the world by uniting and mobilizing abolitionist forces around the world. We advocate in international fora, educate, inform and raise awareness. We build the capacity of abolitionist actors and work with them at the local level.

2000-2020: 20 years now that the association has been striving, in the words of its director Raphaël Chenuil-Hazan, to "put audacity at the service of abolition".


"In 2000, a modest publishing house published a book called Open Letter to americans for the abolition of the death penalty. Written by Michel Taube, laid out by Olivier Déchaud and put into orbit by Jean-François Daniel, it is this book and these three names that are the origin of Together Against the Death Penalty (ECPM).
20 years later, the three volunteers at the beginning and the actions of the association have taken on an international dimension. Olivier Déchaud, co-founder of the association and President (from 2005 to 2019) looks back on the path made, towards a single destination: the universal abolition of the death penalty. [...] »

A look back at 20 years of struggle, by Olivier Déchaud, co-founder and former President of ECPM (in French only)

World Congresses, awareness campaigns, fact-testing missions, interventions in schools... All these successes of ECPM are the result of the work of a handful of activists who, through audacity and tenacity, have been able to create the French abolitionist association of reference. A look back at the story of a common fight in 5 key points. [...]

20 years of fight against the death penalty in the world in 5 key points (in French only)

To take the abolitionist cause as far as possible, ECPM is developing actions in many countries. These are based on four essential areas: uniting, strengthening, advocacy and education.

See ECPM's action map on the ground

To properly celebrate this anniversary, ECPM has many surprises for you from September 2020.

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