SAVE THE DATE: Volunteer with ECPM at Huma 2019
30 July 2019

From 13 to 15 September 2019, participates in the Festival of Humanity with ECPM!
Indeed, what could be better than a festive and militant weekend to start the new school year?
And because together it's better, we'll make festivalgoers aware of the universal abolition of the death penalty and that... it's not given to everyone. So join us and move the fight forward with us!
- Launch of the brand new ECPM role-playing game: "Sign to deliver". Helps participants collect as many signatures as possible in record time to release a death row inmate. For that, you will be helped by our arguments against the death penalty.
- Exhibition "Bubbles for Abolition": A global selection of plates by famous illustrators, whose stories echo the main abolitionist arguments.
- Creation of a collective work of art
- A meeting, a debate or simply a support to our surprise guests (#suspens...)
Now you have no excuses not to come to the party with us! So see you in September with ECPM
And since we at ECPM are super nice, we offer you a small aperitif to meet the other volunteers on Thursday, September 5, at 7pm. You will be able to see the new ECPM offices (62bis, avenue Parmentier, 75011 Paris) and above all, meet Laure and Solène, the new shock team of the ECPM Education division.